Tax Services
Tax Preparation
BMA prepares tax returns for individuals, corporations, partnerships and trusts. Because we use state-of-the-art software and keep us to date on the latest tax laws, you can rest assured that BMA will prepare your returns in an accurate and timely manner. To make sure that nothing is missed, the BMA returns go through a series of internal reviews before completion. Preparer and reviewer thoroughly discuss any complex tax issues or potential areas in which the client could reduce their taxes.
Tax Planning
By the time we prepare your income tax returns, there are a limited number of things that can be done to reduce your taxes. In addition, during the hectic pace of tax season, there is less time for planning. For those reasons, we encourgae clients with complex tax situations to meet with us before the end of the tax year, either corporate or personal. Then these is adequate time to carefully review your tax and financial situation, answe any question you might have, and evaluate actions to reduce your tax burden.